About Us

In Hong Kong, the populations health and life expectancy have greatly improved over the past century. Despite the improvement, many people still suffer from chronic ill health, experience disabilities and die prematurely because of non-communicable diseases (NCD) that can largely be prevented. According to the World Health Organizations estimates, at least 80% of all heart diseases, stroke, type 2 diabetes and 40% of cancers could be prevented by eliminating shared risk factors, namely unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, harmful use of alcohol and smoking.

Picture To address the multifaceted NCD and their associated risk factors, we need collective efforts in creating an environment that is supportive to adoption of a healthy lifestyle. In fact, the responsibility of NCD prevention and control extends beyond the health sector and its workforce. It invariably requires the Government, private and public sectors, community and individuals to work collaboratively. While the Government seeks to build healthy policies and control health hazards, local media can help raise public awareness and communicate health risks. For non-governmental organizations and community groups, they can implement health promotion programmes for specific health issues or targeted population subgroups. Health care providers can provide health education and care for individuals diagnosed to have NCD, whereas patients should also understand they do have responsibility for their own health. ALL of us have a role to play.

Recognizing that partnership is a key factor for successful implementation of the strategy for NCD prevention and control, the Department of Health launches this Change for Health website to:

  • disseminate up-to-date information about the actions on prevention and control of NCD to members of the public and relevant stakeholders;
  • provide a channel for communication between the Government, relevant stakeholders and members of public on issues related to prevention and control of NCD; and
  • encourage members of the public to make changes in their lifestyle towards a healthier one, and empower them with appropriate knowledge and skills for adopting and practising healthy lifestyle (such as healthy eating and physical activity participation).