Event | : |
(Details in Chinese only) |
Date | : |
8 Nov 2020
(Sun) |
Time | : | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon |
Venue | : | 青衣海濱長廊 |
Target | : | 老少咸宜 |
Content | : |
香港糖尿聯會為響應「世界糖尿病日」, 每年均會在11 月14日或鄰近的星期日,舉辦步行籌款。 |
Language | : | 中文 |
Organiser | : | 香港糖尿聯會 |
Fee | : |
籌款達港幣150元或以上報名人士將獲發紀念品乙份 (數量有限,送完即止)
不設現場報名及捐款 活動當日若遇有任何不可抗力因素 (如: 天氣情況欠佳*、疫症、社會事件等),活動將會取消。 已提交之捐款均不會退回;惟大會將會特別印制感謝證書,郵寄給各步行人士。 (*如天文台於早上7時或以後懸掛3號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號或發出任何暴雨警告) |
Tel | : | - |
Fax | : | - |
: | - | |
Website | : |
2020年11月2日 表格下載: 任何有關活動的臨時改動或消息,將以香港糖尿聯會網站公佈為準。 |
The content of the Event Calendar (promotion of healthy diet, physical activity, alcohol & health and injury prevention participation) on the Department of Health (DH)s "Change for Health" website is provided by the organiser(s) of the respective events and for informational purposes only. Other than the events organised by DH, DH accepts no responsibility or liability (howsoever caused) for the information provided by other organiser(s) and their affiliation(s). DH has made, and will continue to make, every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, DH cannot guarantee the Event Calendar to be error free and shall not be liable in any way for possible errors or omissions in its contents. DH will not be liable for any legal responsibilities resulting from the use of or inability to use the information in the Event Calendar.
This Event Calendar is provided as a service to users of DHs "Change for Health" website and does not represent DHs endorsement or recommendation of specific events and their sponsors. Prior to participation of any event, users are advised to determine whether the event is suitable for themselves. For more detailed information on a particular event, please contact the corresponding organiser(s) as listed in the respective webpage.
When accessing other websites, users are urged to exercise caution as DH does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, appropriateness or security of websites or content linked thereto. DH accepts no responsibility or liability (howsoever caused) as a result of any access to or interaction with any other websites via "Change for Health" website.