NCD Watch

Year 2024

Date Title
6 June 2024 (Thu) Awareness of Lung Cancer
7 May 2024 (Tue) Too Salty for Health
16 Apr 2024 (Tue) Burden of Non-communicable Diseases : An Update
5 Mar 2024 (Tue) Excess Body Fat and Colorectal Cancer Risk
15 Feb 2024 (Thu) Prevention and Control of Metabolic Syndrome
9 Jan 2024 (Tue) Prevention of Cervical Cancer: Be Informed, Be Vaccinated and Be Screened

Year 2023

Date Title
14 Dec 2023 (Thu) Alcohol Drinking and Alcohol-related Liver Disease
7 Nov 2023 (Tue) Diabetes: An Overview
17 Oct 2023 (Tue) Cholesterol and Ischaemic Stroke Risk
21 Sep 2023 (Wed) Cardiovascular Diseases
15 Aug 2023 (Tue) Iodine Status among the Local Population
18 Jul 2023 (Tue) Make Physical Activity A ‘Must Do’ Habit
13 Jun 2023 (Tue) Obesity
11 May 2023 (Thu) Hypertension
11 Apr 2023 (Tue) Fruit and Vegetables: Essentials for a Healthy Diet
7 Mar 2023 (Tue) Move More and Sit Less to Prevent Colorectal Cancer
23 Feb 2023 (Thu) Alcohol Consumption and Obesity Risk
17 Jan 2023 (Tue) Cancer Watch

Year 2022

Date Title
20 Dec 2022 (Tue) Heavy Alcohol Drinking and Holiday Heart Syndrome
8 Nov 2022 (Tue) Diabetes + Obesity = Diabesity
25 Oct 2022 (Tue) Physical Activity: A Major Strategy for Stroke Prevention
20 Sep 2022 (Tue) About Heart Attack
23 Aug 2022 (Tue) Be Falls Aware
26 Jul 2022 (Tue) The Beauty of Walking
21 Jun 2022 (Tue) Awareness and Prevention of Cervical Cancer
12 May 2022 (Thu) Sodium, Potassium and Hypertension
21 Apr 2022 (Thu) Impact of Iodine Deficiency on Health
8 Mar 2022 (Tue) Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations and Risk Assessment
28 Feb 2022 (Mon) Unintentional Injuries: An Overview
31 Jan 2022 (Mon) Awareness and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer

Year 2021

Date Title
20 Dec 2021 (Mon) Alcohol Drinking and Cancer Risks
14 Nov 2021 (Sun) Screening and Prevention of Diabetes
29 Oct 2021 (Fri) Stroke Awareness and Prevention
27 Sep 2021 (Mon) Heart Health and COVID-19
30 Jul 2021 (Fri) Non-communicable Diseases and Vaccination Against COVID-19
31 May 2021 (Mon) Eat More Fruit and Vegetables
26 Feb 2021 (Fri) Physical Activity and Cancer Prevention

Year 2020

Date Title
21 Dec 2020 (Mon) 【Alcohol Fails】Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy Alcohol-free Festive Celebrations
9 Nov 2020 (Mon) Does Alcohol Cause Diabetes?
26 Aug 2020 (Wed) Smoking, NCDs and COVID-19
30 Jun 2020 (Tue) Alcohol : Bad for Blood Pressure
27 Apr 2020 (Mon) Stay Home and Be Healthy
12 Mar 2020 (Thu) Fighting Colorectal Cancer

Year 2019

Date Title
31 Dec 2019 (Tue) Be Aware of “Brain Attack”
28 Oct 2019 (Mon) Blood Lipid Disorders
26 Aug 2019 (Mon) Today’s Lifestyles, Tomorrow’s Cancers
24 Jun 2019 (Mon) Gout : No Longer the Disease of Kings
30 Apr 2019 (Tue) Growing Up Digital: Overview of Screen Media Use among Children
28 Feb 2019 (Thu) Diabetes : A Common Chronic Disease

Year 2018

Date Title
31 Dec 2018 (Mon) Walking for Good Health
29 Oct 2018 (Mon) Overview of Cardiovascular Diseases
31 Aug 2018 (Fri) Hypertension: A Burning Health Problem
29 Jun 2018 (Fri) Be Salt Aware
30 Apr 2018 (Mon) Enjoy Eating Fruit and Vegetables Everyday
28 Feb 2018 (Wed) Active Kids Fare Better in School

Year 2017

Date Title
29 Dec 2017 (Fri) Asthma Awareness
23 Oct 2017 (Mon) Be Physically Active to Reduce Dementia Risk
31 Jul 2017 (Mon) Sit Less for Better Health
29 May 2017 (Mon) Fighting Obesity: Let Children Sleep More
27 Mar 2017 (Mon) Tea or Coffee?
23 Jan 2017 (Mon) Young and Alcohol Free

Year 2016

Date Title
6 Sep 2016 (Tue) "Alcopops" are certainly NOT safer
25 Jul 2016 (Mon) Keep a Healthy Waistline
30 May 2016 (Mon) Enjoy College Life Without Alcohol
29 Mar 2016 (Tue) Milk Watch and Raising Healthy Eaters
25 Jan 2016 (Mon) Be Active to Reduce Cancer Risk

Year 2015

Date Title
30 Nov 2015 (Mon) Know More About Processed Meat and Cancer
18 Sep 2015 (Fri) The Bitter Truth about Sugars
27 Jul 2015 (Mon) You Can Prevent Cancer
26 May 2015 (Tue) Healthy Weight Healthy Kids
30 Mar 2015 (Mon) Ageing Well and Optimal Golden Years
26 Jan 2015 (Mon) Protecting Young People from Alcohol-related Harm

Year 2014

Date Title
24 Nov 2014 (Mon) Exercise and Fluid Needs
29 Sep 2014 (Mon) Keeping children safe from unintentional poisoning in the Home
28 Jul 2014 (Mon) Constipation - Find the Way Out
26 May 2014 (Mon) Practicing Breastfeeding: A Link to Life Long Health
31 Mar 2014 (Mon) Be Aware of Stroke
27 Jan 2014 (Mon) Be A Smart Pedestrian

Year 2013

Date Title
25 Nov 2013 (Mon) Running for Your Health
30 Sep 2013 (Mon) Reducing Cancer Risk - Avoid Drinking
29 Jul 2013 (Mon) Enjoy the Fun of Water Sports - Be Safe
27 May 2013 (Mon) Is your blood pressure normal? High blood pressure kills but its preventable and treatable
25 Mar 2013 (Mon) Happy Hiking in Hong Kong
28 Jan 2013 (Mon) How Much Milk is Enough for Children?

Year 2012

Date Title
26 Nov 2012 (Mon) Red meat consumption: the Good and the Bad
24 Sep 2012 (Mon) Tai Chi for Health
30 Jul 2012 (Mon) Raising Healthy Free-range Kids
28 May 2012 (Mon) Waistline Alert for Drinkers
26 Mar 2012 (Mon) Start Early with Healthy Eating
30 Jan 2012 (Mon) Be Cholesterol Smart

Year 2011

Date Title
19 Dec 2011 (Mon) Alcohol-free Christmas and New Year Parties
28 Nov 2011 (Mon) Building up Bone Health by Being Physical Active and Eating Healthy
31 Oct 2011 (Mon) Walk More for Health
26 Sep 2011 (Mon) Reducing Heart Attack Risk
29 Aug 2011 (Mon) Too Salty for Health
27 Jul 2011 (Wed) How to Balance Vacation Fun & Healthy Lifestyle
27 Jun 2011 (Mon) Start the Day with a Healthy Breakfast
30 May 2011 (Mon) Be Aware of Fatty Liver
26 Apr 2011 (Tue) Weight Alarm for the Middle-aged
28 Mar 2011 (Mon) Aim for "2 Plus 3 a day"
22 Feb 2011 (Tue) Haemorrhoid Flare-up - A No Laughing Matter