NCD Watch
Happy Hiking in Hong Kong
25 Mar 2013 (Mon)
Hiking is a very popular outdoor activity in Hong Kong. It is a good form of physical activity. Hikers get to relax their minds by enjoying fresh air and appreciating natural scenery. A recent study by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department showed that hiking is one of the top five sports activities engaged by adults in Hong Kong. More than one fifth of middle-aged adults (23.7%) and the elderly (21.3%) picked hiking as their frequently participated sports activities.
Here are some tips before you hike:
Firstly, know the ability of yourself and your group members. You can plan your trip based on an hourly rate of 4 km for level ground, and an extra hour for every 500 m of uphill hiking. Reserve extra time for short breaks and unexpected delays. Do not over-stretch your abilities as a fatigued body is more prone to injuries.
Secondly, hiking gear is vital for your journey. Use practical equipment suited for the purpose of your hike. Choose shoes with good support. Light coloured, long sleeve clothing and trousers are preferred, as they can protect you from sunburn and insect bites. Broad brim hats, sunglasses and sunscreens are also good choices to protect your body from the sun.
During the hike, take rests when needed and drink ample amount of water to avoid dehydration. Try to keep on the maintained trails and paths with clear direction posts. This single precaution can minimize accidents.
Since January 2012, the Communications Association of Hong Kong has launched a free mobile service: "50222 SMS Hiker Tracking Service". Hikers can send their locations periodically during the hike via SMS. In case you get lost, this service can provide tracking data for necessary rescue parties.
Remember these tips and have a happy hike!