Press Release / Announcements
Announcement: Announcement of Public Interest (API) "Living a Healthy Lifestyle Starts with YOU" being Broadcast on TV
21 Feb 2012 (Tue)
In its continuous effort to promote the “For Health We Change” campaign, the Department of Health has worked with a student project team of the School of Design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in producing a video clip, and used a jingle written by Mr. Chet Lam as the theme song. The video clip is now being broadcast in various TV channels.
This Announcement of Public Interest (API) titled "Living a Healthy Lifestyle Starts with YOU!" encourages everyone to spread positive health messages and influence people around them to live a healthier lifestyle. The aim is to call for all to take action. The API starts with a healthy girl who reminds us that "Living a Healthy Lifestyle Starts with YOU!" . She lives it out and passes the health message along to influence the people around her, including a sedentary geek, a junk food lover, and an office lady who is stressed out. In the end, people of different age groups and all walks of life have changed for health and are enjoying their healthy choices. The English subtitles for the Cantonese jingle appeal to all to make healthy choices for a healthy life:
Try to sleep and wake up early, starting from today!
Eat more veggies. Drink more water
Don't worry, be happy
Get up and start your exercise journey
Enjoy your work. Care about life
Let's make this city a more lively one
Hope you like our API and make changes for a healthier life! Please also encourage the people around you to make healthier choices. The video clip has been uploaded onto YouTube to facilitate sharing:
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"Living a Healthy Lifestyle Starts with YOU!"
. Simply click the "
" and the "
" buttons on YouTube to share with your family and the people you care about!