Consumption of Fruit, Vegetables, Grains and Cereals
Proportion of children aged 2-14 usually eating 1 or more servings of fruit* a day in the 7 days preceding enumeration, 2005-2006
Base : 6 845 community-dwelling children aged 2-14.
Note : *1 serving of fruit = 1 orange, apple or pear = 1 large slice of watermelon or melon = 2 plums or mandarins = ½ cup of grapes or cherries.
Source : Child Health Survey 2005-2006. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.
Note : *1 serving of fruit = 1 orange, apple or pear = 1 large slice of watermelon or melon = 2 plums or mandarins = ½ cup of grapes or cherries.
Source : Child Health Survey 2005-2006. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.
Proportion of children aged 2-14 usually eating 1 or more bowls of vegetables per meal in the 7 days preceding enumeration, 2005-2006
Base : 6 845 community-dwelling children aged 2-14.
Source : Child Health Survey 2005-2006. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.
Source : Child Health Survey 2005-2006. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.
Proportion of children aged 2-14 usually eating 1 or more bowls of cereals* per meal in the 7 days preceding enumeration, 2005-2006
Base : 6 845 community-dwelling children aged 2-14.
Note : *Cereals include rice, noodles, pasta and bread (3 slices of bread = 1 bowl of rice).
Source: Child Health Survey 2005-2006. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.
Note : *Cereals include rice, noodles, pasta and bread (3 slices of bread = 1 bowl of rice).
Source: Child Health Survey 2005-2006. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.
Proportion of adolescents aged 15-17 eating 2 or more servings of fruit* on average a day, 2003-2004
Base : 478 community-dwelling adolescents aged 15-17.
Note : *1 serving of fruit = 1 orange, apple or pear, etc.
Source : Population Health Survey, 2003-2004.Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health and Department of Community Medicine of the University of Hong Kong.
Note : *1 serving of fruit = 1 orange, apple or pear, etc.
Source : Population Health Survey, 2003-2004.Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health and Department of Community Medicine of the University of Hong Kong.
Proportion of adolescents aged 15-17 eating 3 or more servings of vegetables* on average a day, 2003-2004
Base : 478 community-dwelling adolescents aged 15-17.
Note : *1 rice-bowl size of cooked vegetables = 2 servings of vegetables.
Source : Population Health Survey, 2003-2004.Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health and Department of Community Medicine of the University of Hong Kong.
Note : *1 rice-bowl size of cooked vegetables = 2 servings of vegetables.
Source : Population Health Survey, 2003-2004.Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health and Department of Community Medicine of the University of Hong Kong.
Proportion of adolescents aged 15-17 eating 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables* on average a day, 2003-2004
Base: 478 community-dwelling adolescents aged 15-17.
Notes: *1 serving of fruit = 1 orange, apple or pear, etc.; 1 rice-bowl size of cooked vegetables = 2 servings of vegetables.
Source: Population Health Survey, 2003-2004.Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health and Department of Community Medicine of the University of Hong Kong.
Notes: *1 serving of fruit = 1 orange, apple or pear, etc.; 1 rice-bowl size of cooked vegetables = 2 servings of vegetables.
Source: Population Health Survey, 2003-2004.Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health and Department of Community Medicine of the University of Hong Kong.