Consumption of Dairy Products, Meat, Eggs, Peas and Beans


Proportion of adults aged 18-64 eating 1 or more servings of dairy products* on average a day in the past 30 days before enumeration, 2013

Based on Department of Health's Behavioural Risk Factor Survey 2013, 30.3% of local adults aged 18-64 ate ≥1 servings of dairy products on average a day. The corresponding figures for males and females were 26.0% and 34.2% respectively.
Base : 2 105 community-dwelling adults aged 18-64.
Notes : *Dairy products include milk, yogurt or cheese, but exclude cheese products such as cheese cake. 1 serving of dairy product = 1 cup of 250 ml milk or yogurt = 2 sheets of pre-cut square cheese.
Source : Behavioural Risk Factor Survey, April 2013. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.

Proportion of adults aged 18-64 eating 6 taels or less of meat* on average a day in the 30 days before enumeration, 2016

Based on Department of Health's Behavioural Risk Factor Survey 2016, 73.8% of local adults aged 18-64 ate ≤6 taels of meat on average a day in the 30 days before enumeration. The corresponding figures for males and females were 65.8% and 80.9% respectively.
Base : 4071 community-dwelling adults aged 18-64.
Notes : *Meat includes red meat such as pork, beef or lamb, and white meat such as poultry or fish. 1 tael of meat = about 40 g = 1.33 oz = 4 slices of meat.
Source : Behavioural Risk Factor Survey, April 2016. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.

Proportion of adults aged 18-64 eating processed meat* on four or more days a week on average in the 30 days before enumeration, 2016

Based on Department of Health's Behavioural Risk Factor Survey 2016, 10.4% of local adults aged 18-64 ate processed meat on 4 or more day per week  on average in the 30 days before enumeration. The corresponding figures for males and females were 15.3% and 6.1% respectively.
Base : 4071 community-dwelling adults aged 18-64.
Notes : *Processed meat includes canned meat, cured meat or smoked meat, such as luncheon meat, ham sausages, bacon and Chinese preserves meat.
Source : Behavioural Risk Factor Survey, April 2016. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.