Breastfeeding in infants
Year 2011
Proportion of babies who were ever breastfed, breastfed at 1 month and breastfed at 6 months, 2011
Base: 2 672 local born children aged 0-5.
Source: Breastfeeding Survey, 2011. Hong Kong SAR: Family Health Service, Department of Health.
Source: Breastfeeding Survey, 2011. Hong Kong SAR: Family Health Service, Department of Health.
Proportion of babies who were exclusively breastfed* for 1 month and for 4-6 months, 2011
Base: 2 672 local born children aged 0-5.
Note: *Exclusive breastfeeding means giving breast milk with no other foods or liquids except prescribed medications.
Source: Breastfeeding Survey, 2011. Hong Kong SAR: Family Health Service, Department of Health.
Note: *Exclusive breastfeeding means giving breast milk with no other foods or liquids except prescribed medications.
Source: Breastfeeding Survey, 2011. Hong Kong SAR: Family Health Service, Department of Health.
Year 2008
Proportion of babies who were ever breastfed, breastfed at 1 month and breastfed at 6 months, 2008
Base: 2 540 local born children aged 0-5.
Source: Breastfeeding Survey, 2008. Hong Kong SAR: Family Health Service, Department of Health.
Source: Breastfeeding Survey, 2008. Hong Kong SAR: Family Health Service, Department of Health.
Proportion of babies who were exclusively breastfed* for 1 month and for 4-6 months, 2008
Base: 2 540 local born children aged 0-5.
Note: *Exclusive breastfeeding means giving breast milk with no other foods or liquids except prescribed medications.
Source: Breastfeeding Survey, 2008. Hong Kong SAR: Family Health Service, Department of Health.
Note: *Exclusive breastfeeding means giving breast milk with no other foods or liquids except prescribed medications.
Source: Breastfeeding Survey, 2008. Hong Kong SAR: Family Health Service, Department of Health.