Drinking Behaviour of Young People in Hong Kong

  • About 1 in every 2 Hong Kong students in primary 4 to 6, secondary and post-secondary had ever drunk alcohol.

Proportion of students who were ever alcohol users, drank alcohol in the past year and drank alcohol in the past 30 days by sex, 2020-2021.

Based on a report by Narcotic Division in 2020/21, 47.5% of local students in primary 4 to 6, secondary and post-secondary had ever drunk alcohol. The corresponding figures for males and females were 49.2% and 45.6% respectively.
Source: The 2020/21 Survey of Drug Use among Students. Hong Kong SAR: Narcotics Division, Security Bureau.
  • The proportion of ever drinking, drinking in the past year, and drinking in the past 30 days among Hong Kong students increased with age.

Proportion of students who were ever alcohol users, drank alcohol in the past year and drank alcohol in the past 30 days by education level, 2020-2021

Based on a report by Narcotic Division in 2020/21, the proportion of ever drinking among local students increased with age. The corresponding figures for primary 4 to 6, secondary and post-secondary students were 15.6%, 47.5% and 77.5% respectively.
Source: The 2020/21 Survey of Drug Use among Students. Hong Kong SAR: Narcotics Division, Security Bureau.
  • About 1 in every 70 upper primary and secondary school students drank heavily at a single episode.

Proportion of students who had binge drinking* at least monthly during the 2019/20 school year

Proportion (%): Primary school students: 1.4%; Secondary school students: 1.7%; Overall: 1.5%
Base: 41,413 upper primary and secondary school students.
Note: * having 5 or more cans/glasses of alcoholic drinks in total within a few hours.
Source: Health Assessment Questionnaire self-administered by students (Primary 4 and 6, Secondary 2, 4 and 6) attending the Student Health Service Centres, Department of Health during the 2019/20 school year.