NCD Watch
The Beauty of Walking
26 July 2022 (Tue)
Walking is man’s best medicine. Epidemiological studies have shown that having an optimal ‘daily dose’ of walking would reduce the risks of chronic non-communicable diseases and premature death. Walking at a faster pace burns body fat, increases cardiorespiratory fitness and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases (including hypertension, coronary heart disease and stroke), elevates insulin sensitivity and prevents new onset of type 2 diabetes, as well as reduces the risk of some cancers (such as liver cancer, postmenopausal breast cancer and endometrial cancer).
By walking 9 000-10 000 steps per day, studies found that all-cause mortality risk would reduce 41-56%. Taking into account available scientific evidence, overseas and international guidelines as well as the baseline daily step counts of local population, adults are recommended to gradually increase their daily step goal to 10 000 based on their own physical conditions, abilities, pace and individual circumstances. Even if the goal cannot be achieved, any amount of walking is better than none.
Walking is one of the most versatile forms of physical activity that can easily be incorporated into daily routine. Being a self-regulated and low-impact activity, walking is generally safe. Those who are used to be sedentary or living with a chronic illness can start out with short distances and slow speeds, and then build up the walking distance and intensity gradually. They can also consult their family doctors for recommendations on walking speed, duration and frequency.
For more information about walking, please visit While the Hong Kong SAR Government keeps on developing Hong Kong into a walkable city, DH will continue organising health promotional campaigns to raise public awareness about the benefits of walking. For health, let’s walk more!
Source: NCD Watch July 2022