Pattern of Alcohol Consumption among Hong Kong People (aged 15 or above)

  • About 3 in every 10 local people aged 15 or above consumed alcohol in the last 12 months.

Proportion of persons aged 15 or above who consumed alcohol in the 12 months preceding the survey, 2020-22

Proportion (%): Male: 32.4%; Female: 16.6%; Overall: 24.0%
Source: Population Health Survey 2020-22, Department of Health.
  • The proportion of drinkers were the highest among those in the 35-44 age group and decreased steadily with age.

Proportion of persons aged 15 or above who consumed alcohol in the 12 months preceding the survey by age group, 2020-22

Proportion (%): 15-24: 16.5%; 25-34: 29.0%; 35-44: 30.5%; 45-54: 28.4%; 55-64: 23.8%; 65-74: 20.0%; 75-84: 11.5%; 85 or above: 5.7%; Overall: 24.0%
Source: Population Health Survey 2020-22, Department of Health.
  • About 2 in every 100 local people aged 15 or above drank heavily at a single episode at least monthly.

Proportion of persons aged 15 or above who had binge drinking* at least monthly in the 12 months preceding the survey by gender, 2020-22

Proportion (%): Male: 3.3%; Female: 0.8%; Overall: 2.0%
Note: * drinking at least 5 cans of beer, 5 glasses of table wines or 5 pegs of spirits on one occasion.
Source: Population Health Survey 2020-22, Department of Health.
  • The proportion of monthly binge drinkers were the highest among those in the 35-44 age group, followed by those aged 45-54.

Proportion of persons aged 15 or above who had binge drinking* at least monthly in the 12 months preceding the survey by age group, 2020-22

Proportion (%): 15-24: 1.6%; 25-34: 2.4%; 35-44: 2.9%; 45-54: 2.6%; 55-64: 1.8%; 65-74: 1.1%; 75-84: 0.7%; 85 or above: 0.5%; Overall: 2.0%
Note: * drinking at least 5 cans of beer, 5 glasses of table wines or 5 pegs of spriits on one occasion.
Source: Population Health Survey 2020-22, Department of Health.
  • About 1 in every 37 local people aged 15 or above were drinking at increased risk or in the harmful level, or had more severe drinking problems.

Proportion of persons aged 15 or above who had an AUDIT* total score at 8 or higher# by gender, 2020-22

Proportion (%): Male: 4.5%; Female: 1.1%; Overall: 2.7%
Notes: * AUDIT refers to Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test; # indicating drinking at increased risk, harmful drinking, or probable alcohol dependence.
Source: Population Health Survey 2020-22, Department of Health.
  • More persons aged 35-44 were drinking at higher-risk levels than those in other age groups.

Proportion of persons aged 15 or above who had an AUDIT* total score at 8 or higher# by age group, 2020-22

Proportion (%): 15-24: 1.7%; 25-34: 2.7%; 35-44: 3.7%; 45-54: 3.1%; 55-64: 3.0%; 65-74: 2.0%; 75-84: 1.3%; 85 or above: 1.0%; Overall: 2.7%
Notes: * AUDIT refers to Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test; # indicating drinking at increased risk, harmful drinking, or probable alcohol dependence.
Source: Population Health Survey 2020-22, Department of Health.