Target 2: Reduce harmful use of alcohol

TOWARDS 2025: Strategy and Action Plan to Prevent and Control Non-communicable Disease in Hong Kong

Target 9: Improve availability of affordable basic technologies and essential medicines to treat major NCD Target 8: Prevent heart attacks and strokes through drug therapy and counselling Target 7: Halt the rise in diabetes and obesity Target 6: Contain the prevalence of raised blood pressure Target 5: Reduce tobacco use Target 4: Reduce salt intake Target 3: Reduce physical inactivity Target 2: Reduce harmful use of alcohol Target 1: Reduce premature mortality from NCD Home
Target 2: Reduce harmful use of alcohol

Together, we will work to achieve the following target by 2025:

At least 10% relative reduction in the prevalence of binge drinking and harmful use of alcohol (harmful drinking/alcohol dependence) among adults and in the prevalence of drinking among youth

Alcohol use is a component cause of more than 200 disease and injury conditions, including heart diseases, cancers, liver diseases, a range of mental and behavioural disorders, and other non-communicable diseases. Alcohol use accounts for considerable health-care resource use, personal suffering, morbidity, death and social consequences.

Factsheet: Target 2


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