“Move For Health” at the “65th Anniversary Ceremony of Hong Kong Public Health Nursing and Conference”
21 September 2019
“Lazy Lion” participated in the “65th Anniversary Ceremony of Hong Kong Public Health Nursing and Conference” at the Hong Kong Red Cross Headquarters on 21 September 2019 to encourage everybody to “Move for health every day” and “ Do the physical activity daily” while increasing level of physical activity is essential for living a healthy lifestyle.
The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan officiated at the “65th Anniversary Ceremony of Hong Kong Public Health Nursing and Conference”. Meanwhile, the Director of Health, Dr Constance Chan, gave a keynote presentation on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) at the conference. She addressed that curbing the burden of NCDs, the Government in May last year launched 'Towards 2025: Strategy and Action Plan to Prevent and Control Non-communicable Diseases in Hong Kong' (SAP), which sets out nine local health targets to be achieved by 2025, and has put forward a systematic portfolio of NCD policies, programmes and actions.
“Lazy Lion” danced with the public health nurse and guests in the event and encouraged them to increase their physical activity levels and to integrate physical activity into daily life. Hope the members of the public practice by themselves and to encourage their neighbor opting for healthy life-style in order to act against non-communicable diseases together. “Lazy Lion” is looking for you. Please remember to do physical activities at “Any Age, Any Kind, Anywhere and Anytime”.
For more information, you can watch the theme song of “Healthy Hong Kong 2025 | Move For Health” and “ Move For Health” Dance Tutorial (Full Version) (English)”. Please click into the following link to listen to the song! Let’s dance together.

Related Links:
- 匿獅 Lion Facebook FanpageThis link will open in a new window
- Instagram-lazylionhkThis link will open in a new window
- TV Announcements in the Public Interest (API) and Radio API
- “HEALTHY HONG KONG 2025 | Move For Health” Launch Event
- Lazy Lion WhatsApp Sticker
- “ Move For Health” Dance Tutorial (Full Version) (English)
- “ HEALTHY HONG KONG 2025| Move For Health” Theme Song
- “ Move For Health” Flash Mob at the 「健康生活我做得到」行動「啟動禮暨健康生活嘉年華」 and 2019 School Sports Programme Prize Presentation Ceremony cum Carnival
- Roving Roadshow Health Campaign- August Report
- The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region – Press Releases:
DH holds conference to mark 65th anniversary of public health nursing in Hong Kong This link will open in a new window