NCD Watch
Enjoy the Fun of Water Sports - Be Safe
29 Jul 2013 (Mon)
Hong Kong is surrounded by waters with many places suitable for water sports. On sunny summer days, many people enjoy fun from various kinds of water sports. With the growing popularity of water sports, its safety issue has become a matter of public concern.
In 2011, there were 30 registered deaths due to accidental drowning and submersion, an average of nearly three cases per month in Hong Kong. A lack of safety awareness and preparation among water sport participants has resulted in accidents in recent years. So, whether youre swimming, boating, fishing, surfing or waterskiing, keeping safety uppermost in your mind can help prevent a needless injury from happening to you or your loved ones this summer.
Here are some useful tips for preventing water sports injuries or drowning in recreational water settings:
- learn to swim and know your swimming ability;
- receive proper training and acquire basic skills;
- check the equipment used carefully and know how it functions;
- properly wear life jacket/buoyancy aid and heel-toe-covered rubber shoes, as well as clothes suitable for water sports;
- take note of the traffic conditions of the sea and the safe area for conducting activities;
- take part in water sports activities with companions and look after one another;
- pay attention to weather conditions and warning signals issued by the Hong Kong Observatory such as tropical cyclones and thunderstorms, as well as the conditions of the sea before taking part in water sports activities;
- swim in areas that have lifeguard on duty;
- do not swim immediately after a meal;
- do not drink alcohol before or during water sports activities;
- be fully rested before taking part in water sports activities;
- do warm-up exercise; and
- never swim when feeling unwell or after taking drugs.
For more information on water sports safety, you may also visit the website of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Remember: play it safe!