Consumption of Fruit, Vegetables, Grains and Cereals


Proportion of adults aged 18-64 eating 2 or more servings of fruit* on average a day in the 7 days before enumeration, 2016

Base : 4 071 community-dwelling adults aged 18-64.
Note : *1 serving of fruit = 1 medium-sized apple or orange = 1 banana = 2 kiwi fruits or plums = half bowl of small fruit like grapes or strawberries.
Source : Behavioural Risk Factor Survey, April 2016. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.

Proportion of adults aged 18-64 eating 3 or more servings of vegetables* on average a day in the 7 days before enumeration, 2016

Based on Department of Health's Behavioural Risk Factor Survey 2016, 30.4% of local adults aged 18-64 ate ≥3 servings of vegetables on average a day in the 7 days before enumeration. The corresponding figures for males and females were 23.6% and 36.3% respectively.
Base : 4 071 community-dwelling adults aged 18-64.
Note : *1 serving of vegetables = 1/2 rice-bowl size of cooked vegetables.
Source : Behavioural Risk Factor Survey, April 2016. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.

Proportion of adults aged 18-64 eating 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables* on average a day in the 7 days before enumeration, 2016

Based on Department of Health's Behavioural Risk Factor Survey 2016, 20.5% of local adults aged 18-64 ate ≥5 servings of fruit and vegetables on average a day in the 7 days before enumeration. The corresponding figures for males and females were 15.3% and 25.0% respectively.
Base : 4 071 community-dwelling adults aged 18-64.
Notes : *1 serving of fruit = 1 medium-sized apple or orange, 1 banana, 2 kiwi fruits or plums, or half bowl of small fruit like grapes or strawberries. 1 serving of vegetables = 1/2 rice-bowl size of cooked vegetables.
Source : Behavioural Risk Factor Survey, April 2016. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.

Proportion of adults aged 18-64 eating 3-6 bowls of grains* on average a day in the past 30 days before enumeration, 2013

Based on Department of Health's Behavioural Risk Factor Survey 2013, 36.0% of local adults aged 18-64 ate 3-6 bowls of grains or cereals on average a day. The corresponding figures for males and females were 45.6% and 27.2% respectively.
Base : 2 105 community-dwelling adults aged 18-64.
Notes : *Grains or cereals include rice, noodles, bread or oatmeal. 1 bowl of grains and cereal = 1 rice-bowl size of rice or cooked oatmeal = 2.5 bowls of congee = 1 slice of bread.
Source : Behavioural Risk Factor Survey, April 2013. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Health.