Date | Title | |
7 November 2024 | TV Announcement in the Public Interest (API) “Shall We Walk and Talk ” The Department of Health (DH) launched the new Announcement in the Public Interest (API) – “Shall We Walk and Talk" on 7 November 2024, to encourage the public to stay physically active for promoting health. |
14 May 2024 | TV Announcement in the Public Interest (API) “Walk Together for Health and Happiness” The Department of Health (DH) launched the new Announcement in the Public Interest (API) – “Walk Together for Health and Happiness" on 13 May 2024, to encourage the public to stay physically active for promoting health. |
7 November 2022 | TV Announcement in the Public Interest "Alcohol and Calories" To raise public awareness on the potential effect of alcohol drinking on body weight, the Department of Health launched the new Announcement in the Public Interests (API) “Alcohol and Calories” on 04 November 2022. |
18 October 2022 | TV Announcement in the Public Interest (API) "10,000 Steps a Day" The DH launched the new TV API – “10,000 Steps a Day” on 17 October 2022, to encourage the public to walk 10,000 steps daily for good health. |
10 October 2022 | TV Announcement in the Public Interest "Alcohol and Cancer" The Department of Health launched the new Announcement in the Public Interests (API) “Alcohol and Cancer” on 7 October 2022, to raise public awareness on the potential health risk of alcohol consumption and facilitate members of the public to make an informed choice for better health. |
27 September 2022 | TV Announcement in the Public Interest (API) "Sit Less and Walk More!" The DH launched the new TV API – "Sit Less and Walk More!" on 26 September 2022, to encourage the public to walk more for good health. |
1 March 2021 | TV Announcement in the Public Interest (API) "Move for Health Every Day" The Department of Health (DH) launched a new TV Announcement in the Public Interest (API) - "Move for Health Every Day" on 25 February 2021, to encourage the public to stay physically active for promoting health. Adults should do at least two and a half hours of moderate-intensity physical activity per week; or at least one hour and 15 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week! |
10 February 2021 | 【Lazy Lion festive WhatsApp stickers】(Traditional Chinese Version Only)" 匿獅Lion推出全新WhatsApp貼圖「匿獅Lion聖誕新年篇」及「匿獅Lion健康快樂賀新年篇」,想下載就嚟呢度啦! |
1 February 2021 | TV Announcement in the Public Interest (API) "Move for the environment.Move for happiness" The Department of Health (DH) launched a new TV Announcement in the Public Interest (API) - "Move for the environment.Move for happiness" on 27 January 2021, DH inviting Lazy Lion to join hands with Hanson, to encourage the public to stay physically active for promoting health and also reducing carbon emission. |
31 January 2020 | Lazy Lion participated in the "2020 Easy Sport Competition – IAAF Kids Athletics Competition" which was organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) at the Wan Chai Sports Ground and “2020 Flower Market” at the Victoria Park on 11 & 21 January 2020 respectively and encouraged everybody to “Move for health every day” in the Flower Market. |
13 January 2020 | Department of Health spoke at “Healthpedia” – Physical Activities Representative from Department of Health attended the RTHK Radio 1 program “Healthpedia” and shared with the hosts of the program, Mr. Theo Shum and Ms. Akina Fong, about “Physical Activities”. |
31 December 2019 | Department of Health delegated The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon to conduct “Young and Alcohol Free” Secondary School Student Interactive Health Talk 2019-2020 in different secondary schools all over Hong Kong from October 2019 to July 2020. In December 2019, 7 sessions of Interactive Health Talks were successfully conducted with over 1 700 students participated. |
13 December 2019 | “Move for Health” Lazy Lion at the “Let's Move” Carnival Lazy Lion participated in the "Let's Move" Carnival which was organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) at Ma On Shan Sports Centre on 13 December 2019. Teachers and accompanying carers from some special schools viewed sports demonstrations and joined participation activities to share the fun of sports at the events. |
30 November 2019 | Department of Health delegated The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon to conduct “Young and Alcohol Free” Secondary School Student Interactive Health Talk 2019-2020 in different secondary schools all over Hong Kong from October 2019 to July 2020. In November 2019, 9 sessions of Interactive Health Talks were successfully conducted with over 2 000 students participated. |
31 October 2019 | Department of Health delegated The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon to conduct “Young and Alcohol Free” Secondary School Student Interactive Health Talk 2019-2020 in different secondary schools all over Hong Kong from October 2019 to July 2020. Many schools applied for the health talk and the response was good. In October 2019, 14 sessions of Interactive Health Talks were successfully conducted with over 2 300 students participated. |
21 September 2019 | “Lazy Lion” participated in the “65th Anniversary Ceremony of Hong Kong Public Health Nursing and Conference” on 21 September 2019 to encourage everybody to “Move for health every day” and “ Do the physical activity daily” while increasing level of physical activity is essential for living a healthy lifestyle. |
31 August 2019 | Roving Roadshow Health Campaign- August Report The Department of Health (DH) has organised the “Roving Roadshow Health Campaign” at three designated locations in August to encourage members of the public to engage in physical activities in order to prevent non-communicable diseases (NCD) by developing and living a healthy lifestyle. |
4 August 2019 | “Move for Health” Lazy Lion at the “Sport For All Day 2019” Lazy Lion participated in the “Sport For All Day 2019" which was organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) at Kowloon Park Sports Centre on 4 August 2019. Members of the public and the guests from the Yau Tsim Mong District viewed sports demonstrations and joined participation activities to share the fun of sports at the events. |
31 July 2019 | Roving Roadshow Health Campaign- July Report The Department of Health (DH) has organised a roving roadshow health campaign in July to encourage members of the public to engage in physical activities in order to prevent non-communicable diseases (NCD) by developing and living a healthy lifestyle. |
9 July 2019 | Roving Roadshow Health Campaign The Department of Health (DH) will organise a roving roadshow health campaign at designated locations across seven districts in Hong Kong in July and August this year to encourage members of the public to engage in physical activities in order to prevent non-communicable diseases (NCD) by developing and living a healthy lifestyle. The roadshow includes interactive games and exhibition. The campaign mascot Lazy Lion will join every Sunday (i.e. Event Day) and there will be demonstration of dances. |
30 June 2019 | Lazy Lion” participated in the 「健康生活我做得到」行動「啟動禮暨健康生活嘉年華」and “2019 School Sports Programme Prize Presentation Ceremony cum Carnival” on 1 & 27 June 2019 respectively to encourage everybody to “Move for health every day” and “ Do the physical activity daily” while increasing level of physical activity is essential for living a healthy lifestyle. |
30 June 2019 | “ Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops – May & June Report The Department of Health delegated The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon to conduct “Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops in different secondary schools all over Hong Kong from October 2018 to June 2019. 51 sessions of workshops have been completed in this academic year. Over 8200 students from 44 secondary schools participated actively in the programme. |
17 June 2019 | “ Move For Health” Dance Tutorial (Full Version) 【齊齊學跳舞】(Chinese Version Only) |
31 May 2019 | “ Lazy Lion” participated in the “I'm So Smart" Community Health Promotion Programme Recognition Ceremony and Opening Ceremony of MTR Corporate Safety Month 2019 on 10 & 27 May 2019 respectively to encourage everybody to “Move for health every day” and “ Do the physical activity daily” while increasing level of physical activity is essential for living a healthy lifestyle. |
30 April 2019 | “ Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops – March & April Report The Department of Health delegated The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon to conduct “Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops in different secondary schools all over Hong Kong. In March & April 2019, 9 sessions of “Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops were successfully conducted with around 1 000 students participated. |
30 April 2019 | “ Lazy Lion” performed Flash Mob at the Plaza of Sha Tin Town Hall and in the Hong Kong Coliseum on 21 & 28 April 2019 respectively with the members of the public and the athletes of Hong Kong to let them savor the joy of physical activity. |
31 March 2019 | “ Move For Health” Flash Mob at “ World Kidney Day” and Kowloon Park “ Lazy Lion” performed Flash Mob in ”World Kidney Day” and at Kowloon Park on 10 & 31 March 2019 respectively with the members of the public to let them savor the joy of physical activity. “ Lazy Lion” disseminated towels as souvenirs to the participants and encouraged everybody to “Move for health every day”. |
28 February 2019 | “ Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops – January & February Report The Department of Health delegated The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon to conduct “Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops in different secondary schools all over Hong. In January & February 2019, 7 sessions of “Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops were successfully conducted with around 1 600 students participated. |
28 February 2019 | “ Lazy Lion” participated in Flash Mob at “Victoria Park Lunar New Year Fair “, Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2019- Family Run and “ Salt & Sugar Reduction Day” on 3, 17 & 23 February 2019 respectively with the members of the public to let them savor the joy of physical activity. “Lazy Lion” disseminated towels as souvenirs to the participants and encouraged everybody to “Move for health every day”. |
18 February 2019 | Department of Health spoke at “Healthpedia” – Healthy Hong Kong 2025 Representative from Department of Health attended a radio program “ Healthpedia” on RTHK Radio 1. “Healthy Hong Kong 2025” was shared with the hosts of the program, Mr. Theo Shum and Ms. Akina Fong Kin-yee. The “ Towards 2025: Strategy and Action Plan to Prevent and Control NCDs in Hong Kong” was elaborated in the programme. |
4 February 2019 | Department of Health spoke at “Healthpedia” – Alcohol Related-harms Representative from Department of Health attended a radio program “ Healthpedia” on RTHK Radio 1. Alcohol-related harms to teenagers were shared with the hosts of the program, Mr. Theo Shum and Ms. Akina Fong Kin-yee. Parents should not encourage children and teenagers to drink alcohol. |
31 January 2019 | “ Move For Health” Flash Mob Performance “Lazy Lion” has conducted two new “Move For Health” Flash Mob Performances on 20 and 27 January, 2019 at Tung Chung and the Central Piers (Public area) respectively. The Department of Health promulgates the benefits of physical activity through the mascot “Lazy Lion” who dances in different places with members of the public. |
15 January 2019 | “ Young and Alcohol Free - Health Educational Talk”- Civil Aid Service Trainers Training The Department of Health organized a “Train the trainer” session on “Young and Alcohol Free-Health Educational Talk” at the headquarters of the Civil Aid Service (CAS) on 15 January 2019. In total 146 CAS Cadet Corps officers and instructors attended the training session. They would disseminate the messages of alcohol-related harms and “ Say no to alcohol” to 4 000 CAS Cadet Corps members in coherence with “ Young and Alcohol - Health Educational Talk”. |
14 January 2019 | In order to provide the District's “Healthy City” organizations, local community groups and / or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with an in-depth understanding of the requirements of the “Community Engagement Funding Scheme” to formulate the content of the health promotion activities, two briefing sessions were held by the Department of Health in Tsuen Wan Town Hall (Cultural Activities Hall) on 3 Jan 2019 and Hong Kong Space Museum (Lecture Hall) on 11 Jan 2019 respectively. The associations/ organizations knew more about the application details of “Community Engagement Funding Scheme” and clarified relevant questions. |
31 December 2018 | “ Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops – November & December Report The Department of Health delegated The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon to conduct “Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops in different secondary schools all over Hong Kong from October 2018 to June 2019. The schools respond enthusiastically for registration. In November & December 2018, 20 sessions of “Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops were successfully conducted with around 3 000 students participated. |
24 December 2018 | “ HEALTHY HONG KONG 2025 ∣Move For Health“ Theme Song (Chinese Version Only) 為推廣「郁一郁・健康啲」之訊息,衞生署製作了《郁一郁》主題曲,為「健康香港2025 | 注入正能量!二分鐘的主題曲由音樂才華洋溢以及積極運動的知名歌手陳奐仁主唱,還有香港女子組合Super Girls客串,節奏輕快,歌詞簡單易明。請登入以下連結,一齊聽住首歌郁一郁啦! |
21 December 2018 | “Move For Health” Dance Tutorial (Chinese Version Only) 【郁一郁咪再坐定定】最近天氣有點冷,不如一齊登入入下面連結, 學跳《郁一郁》舞,可以暖吓個身,又可以實行「郁一郁 • 健康啲」!大家學識點跳之後,仲可以教埋身邊既人一齊跳添,搞個比賽又如何? |
20 December 2018 | 【Lazy Lion WhatsApp貼圖面世喇!】(Traditional Chinese Version Only) 有冇人覺得寫入訊息打字啲手指好攰,用力撳實個掣錄音就仲攰! |
9 December 2018 | Director of Health, Dr Constance CHAN and Head, Surveillance & Epidemiology Branch , Centre for Health Protection, Dr Regina CHING visited Hong Kong Cancer Day 2018 in Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon Park Plaza. Guests, healthcare professionals and celebrities showed their support to “Young and Alcohol Free” game booth which was devoted by the Department of Health (DH). Members from Auxiliary Medical Service (AMS) Cadet Corps and Hong Kong Red Cross Youth & Volunteer Department participated actively and helped to disseminate the message of “Alcohol-related Harms” to the pubic to get rid of “Alcohol”. |
8 December 2018 | “HEALTHY HONG KONG 2025 | Move For Health ” Launch Event The Department of Health (DH) officially launched the “HEALTHY HONG KONG 2025 | Move for Health" Campaign today (December 8). Under the campaign, various activities will be held across the territory in the coming year to encourage the public to "move for health" and increase their physical activity to build an active lifestyle and prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs). |
8 December 2018 | Non-communicable Disease Division of Department of Health has launched a 30-second Cantonese and English version of “TV and Radio Announcement in the Public Interest” to promote physical activity in order to prevent non-communicable diseases. |
7 December 2018 | “HEALTHY HONG KONG 2025 | Move For Health ” Launch Event “HEALTHY HONG KONG 2025 | Move For Health” Launch Event would be held on 8th December, 2018 at 12:45pm at the Urban Council Centenary Garden, Tsim Sha Tsui. Leading government officials and celebrities would attend the kick off ceremony to encourage public participation in regular physical activities to prevent non-communicable diseases. The launch event includes performances and physical activity. |
27 November 2018 | “Alcohol-free healthy living” was the topic of Health Promotion Sharing Forum conducted by the Community Liaison Division of the Department of Health in November. The messages of reducing alcohol-related harms were shared to health promotion partners. |
7 November 2018 | In order to provide the District's “Healthy City” organizations, local community groups and / or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with an in-depth understanding of the requirements of the “Community Engagement Funding Scheme”, two briefing sessions were held by the Department of Health in King Lam Neighbourhood Community Centre on 5 Nov 2018 and Sheung Wan Civic Centre (Lecture Hall) on 7 Nov 2018 respectively. |
31 October 2018 | “ Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops – October Report The Department of Health delegated The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon to conduct “Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops in different secondary schools all over Hong Kong from October 2018 to June 2019. The schools respond enthusiastically for registration. In October 2018, 8 sessions of “Young and Alcohol Free” Student Workshops were successfully conducted with around 1 500 students participated. |
20 September 2018 |
At the monthly meeting of the District Council, the Department of Health introduced “Towards 2025: Hong Kong Non-communicable Disease Control Strategy and Action Plan" Community Engagement Funding Scheme. The District Councils are invited to participate in and co-ordinate the "Community Engagement Funding Scheme" of which up to $250,000 would be allocated to each District Council in 2019/20 for organising community health promotion activities aimed at prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in the district level. | |
22 August 2018 | Hong Kong Red Cross School Health Ambassador Program The Department of Health held one training session in School of Nursing, St. Teresa‘s Hospital on the topic of “ Young and Alcohol Free”. 50 nursing students and Hong Kong Red Cross Staff participated in the training would be the speakers of “ Young and Alcohol Free” Health Talk under 2018-2019 School Health Ambassadors Program. |
18 August 2018 | Update Series on Child Health 2018 “Update Series on Child Health 2018 - Session V” was held on 18 Aug 2018. Two representatives from the Department of Health were the speakers of the lecture “Health Concerns of Alcohol Use in Adolescents”. |
15 August 2018 | Junior Police Call (JPC) Fight Crime Summer Camp - Young and Alcohol Free “Anti-alcohol Workshop” The Department of health organized the “Anti-alcohol Workshop” in the JPC Fight Crime Summer Camp this year. The messages of “Young and Alcohol Free” and “Say No to alcohol” were delivered to the JPC members, leaders, teachers and parents in the workshop. |
5 July 2018 | 《蘋果新聞》【健康online】急步行 vs 假日狂做運動 平日行得多運動量更易達標 (Traditional Chinese Version Only) 衞生防護中心指出,步行是最簡單及最安全的運動,如達到急步行速度,即一分鐘內行100米距離,更屬中等強度體能活動,每星期做150分鐘,平均每日行20至30分鐘,對健康已有莫大好處。 |
23 June 2018 | Partnership with Primary Care in Action against Non-communicable Diseases Dr. Constance Chan, Director of Health attended Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2018 - "Family Physician: Nexus of the New Era of Primary Care" conducted in Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building on 23 June 2018. |
22 June 2018 | This Fifa World Cup, let football, not alcohol, drive the spirit of the game in Hong Kong Many football fans will be enjoying a cold beer while watching their favourite teams compete for the Fifa World Cup in Russia. However, beer and football is definitely not a winning combination when it comes to health. |
5 June 2018 | Benefits from Physically Active 'Promoting Regular Physical Activity in the Community' was the topic of Health Promotion Sharing Forum conducted by the Community Liaison Division of the Department of Health in June. The technique and experience in promulgating physical activity were shared to health promotion partners. |
11 May 2018 | 《香樹輝King King 傾》非傳染病防控策略及行動計劃 (Chinese Version Only) 衞生防護中心監測及流行病學處主任程卓端醫生擔任新城財經台《香樹輝King King 傾》之節目嘉賓,與主持香樹輝討論政府近日發表的《邁向2025: 香港非傳染病防控策略及計劃》及在二零二五年或之前須實現的九項本地目標。 |
7 May 2018 | 《千禧年代》非傳染病防控策略 (Chinese Version Only) 衞生防護中心監測及流行病學處主任程卓端醫生接受香港電台第一台節目《千禧年代》訪問,與主持葉冠霖分享有關《邁向2025: 香港非傳染病防控策略及行動計劃》,當中談及九項本地目標。 |
4 May 2018 | The Director of Health, Dr Constance Chan, announced the key elements of the “Towards 2025: Strategy and Action Plan to Prevent and Control Non-communicable Diseases in Hong Kong” (SAP) at the press conference on May 4. Dr Chan expressed that at least a third of NCDs can be prevented through adopting a healthy lifestyle. |