NCD Watch
Running for Your Health
25 Nov 2013 (Mon)
Running, including jogging, is a popular recreational and sport activity around the world. One reason for its popularity may be that no exercise equipment is needed other than a good pair of running shoes. Moreover, a person can choose to run indoors or outdoors, and at any time of the day. In Hong Kong, running is also one of the most popular sport activities. A survey conducted by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department in 2011-2012 showed that running / jogging was the second most frequently participated sport activities among young adults (36.9%) and the middle-aged (26.8%).
Running offers a number of health benefits. Studies have shown that running improves blood lipid profiles and lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, suffering from disability and dying. Being an aerobic vigorous-intensity physical activity, running is renowned for its calorie-burning effect too. It can also be regarded as a weight-bearing exercise, a type of exercise that strengthens muscles in the legs and the buttocks, boosts up bone mass and guards against osteoporosis. Besides, running can bring about many psychological benefits. It is an effective way to release pent-up stress, anger and aggression, and can help the runner sleep better at night.
Despite running, as with all forms of vigorous-intensity physical activities, can cause injuries, it is generally safe for most people, and its long-term health benefits far outweigh the potential risks. Here are some tips for a safe running:
- Consult a doctor for a medical check-up before starting a running programme
- Use proper running gear
- Learn and use proper running techniques
- Warming up and cooling down properly to reduce the risk of injury
- Begin slowly and increase the distance, speed and duration of running gradually. No overdoing
- Ensure adequate rest. Do not run when you are unwell, overtly tired or in any way injured
- Do not run with an empty stomach, or immediately after a full meal
- Replenish extra fluids before, during, and after running. Avoid drinking beverages containing alcohol or caffeine
- Avoid running outdoors during extremely hot and cold temperatures, or when the air pollution levels are high
- Avoid running on sandy, asphalt or other hard surfaces
- Run with a buddy