TV Announcement in the Public Interest (API) and Radio API “Health HONG KONG 2025 | Move For Health”

8 December 2018

Since early December 2018, the Department of Health has launched a TV Announcement in the Public Interest (API) (Cantonese and English versions) and a Radio API (Cantonese, English and Mandarin versions) to promote physical activity in order to prevent non-communicable diseases.

Script of Radio API:

Physical activity is simple and can be done anywhere at any time. And it’s free!
Helping with household chores, climbing the stairs instead of taking the lift, walking in the park with your family and doing stretching exercises in the office are all easy ways of doing physical activity.
No more excuses. Exercise every day can refresh your mind and body.
For details, visit the Change for Health website of the Department of Health.
Move for health!

Insufficient physical activity is one of the risk factors for non-communicable diseases. "Physical activity" refers to any body movement that is contracted by muscles and requires energy, including activities during class and work, housework, travel or leisure activities, and is broader than "sports" and "exercise"

If you would like to watch the TV API and listen to the Radio API, please visit the following links:

“HEALTHY HONG KONG 2025 | Move For Health”(English)
Radio API
“Move For Health” (English)

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